Sequins And Sustainability Program

At The Dance Rack, we are not just about dance and costumes; we're about making a positive difference in the world around us. We are proud to introduce our Sequins & Sustainability Program – a step towards transforming the dance industry and combating the negative impacts of fast fashion on our environment.
Understanding Fast Fashion

Fast fashion refers to the rapid production of high volumes of clothing, often resulting in excessive waste and environmental damage. The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world, with fast fashion playing a significant role in this impact.

Just like the broader fashion industry, the dance industry too plays its part in contributing to this problem. The tradition of wearing a different costume for each dance performance results in many costumes being used only once before they're tucked away in a closet, forgotten.

Making a Change

Our Sequins & Sustainability Program addresses this issue head-on. When you consign with us, you have the option to either have your unsold costumes returned or donated.

If you choose to donate, we ensure that your costumes go on to serve a new purpose. We collaborate with various charities, foundations, and organizations that can make good use of these materials. From dance studios in lower-income areas to educational institutions that could use the material for teaching sewing or craft skills, we're committed to finding ways to breathe new life into these costumes.

Donate. Educate. Innovate.

Your donated costumes could be a precious resource for a budding dancer who can't afford new costumes. Or they might provide practical materials for a school arts department. Maybe they could be transformed by a fashion design student into a stunning new outfit. The possibilities are endless.

Join the Revolution

If you represent an organization that could benefit from donated costumes, we invite you to fill out the form above.

Our Sequins & Sustainability Program is the heart of The Dance Rack. It's about more than just dance – it's about community, sustainability, and making dance a more accessible and environmentally friendly activity.

Because when we dance together, and when we make a conscious effort to protect our planet, we create a rhythm that reverberates far beyond the dance floor. Join us, and let's dance towards a sustainable future.