

Step 1: Prepare for Measurement

Ask your dancers to wear form-fitting attire, such as a leotard, along with appropriate undergarments. Avoid street clothes as they can affect the accuracy of the measurements.

Step 2: Adopt the Proper Stance

Instruct dancers to stand tall and straight, look directly ahead, and take a deep breath in and out. This posture allows for a natural fit and ensures adequate room in the measurements. This is crucial when measuring the girth, bust, and waist.

Step 3: Measure the Girth

Girth is the key factor in determining size!

Ask dancers to wear minimal undergarments or a lightweight leotard, along with a bra that maintains the bust's natural shape, for the most accurate measurements.

Step 4: Measure the Bust

Direct dancers to lower their arms to their sides, then measure around the fullest part of the chest. Ensure the measuring tape remains horizontal.

Step 5: Identify and Measure the Waist

To find the natural waistline, guide dancers to bend sideways. When an indentation appears at the waist, mark this point. As the dancers straighten up, wrap the measuring tape around the waist at this marked point.

Step 6: Measure the Hips

Instruct dancers to stand with their feet close together. Measure around the fullest part of the buttocks, ensuring the tape is level.

Step 7: Measure the Inseam

Position the measuring tape at the innermost part of the leg. Measure from the crotch down to the floor, following the leg's natural line.

Remember: Proper preparation and stance are crucial for accurate measurements. Always double-check your measurements to ensure the best fit for your dancers.

Remember: Proper preparation and stance are crucial for accurate measurements. Always double-check your measurements to ensure the best fit for your dancers.